Why Free Cam Sites In Austin Are Probably Scam Sites

Austin, TX has a whole bunch of different kinds of free cam websites. Cam websites are the best way to get really up close and intimate with strangers before you go on dates with them. Even better, if you are into role playing and imaginative BDSM, you can have some raunchy video sex with strangers if you are so inclined. It's a pretty exciting world, and a lot of my buddies in Austin take advantage of it. While they dig the ones that are good, we all have come to realize which ones are bad. One of the problems with cam websites - especially free cam websites - is that they often turn out to be scam sites. I can't tell you how many hot ladies I have found from online dating profiles on online dating sites, only to find that they are scams. I've wasted a lot of time on these sites, and a lot of them are free cam websites. The fact that they are free is probably your first warning sign, because anyone and everyone can be on there. Online dating sites in general are not free. The free ones are the ones that are full of scam profiles and false information. So do you want to know how to detect a scam site? Let me give you a bit of my insider knowledge from years in the game.

Free Cam Websites

Like I said, free cam websites are not the way to find local ladies. Usually they are super easy to sign up for, and they promise to hook you up real quick with a bunch of locals. Those are the first two signs that you are dealing with a scam site: free to sign up and promising to hook you up with tons of locals. There was a time when I tried to meet ladies on the same free cam site for about two months. I was convinced that I would eventually meet a sexy women and not have to worry about any payment for it or anything. In the end I kept waiting for girls to respond to my video chat requests, and only 1 out of like 20 actually responded. I'm a pretty handsome guy with the full package of interesting things to go on, so I'm sure it was not my profile that turned them off. I'm sure they were not real people, because instead of agreeing to video chat with me they all sent my weird messages about how they would love to meet me in person but are stuck in Eastern Europe. I kept telling them that maybe I could help them out if they would first video chat with me. They all kept saying they did not have the right equipment to video chat with, which I did not believe. Anyways, that's why I avoid free cam sites these days.

How To Detect A Scam Site Aside from the two features I just mentioned, you gotta pay close attention to online dating profiles. The thing about online dating profiles is that they can be very detailed, or totally empty. Either one of these extremes is a real warning sign. If there is no ability to use live cam feed then that is a problem too. That's the real kicker actually - the inability to use live cam for chatting. Why do you think they can't chat? Because they are not who they say they are! You gotta be a fool to fall for that one, like I was years ago. That's why live cam sites are the best for ensuring fewer scams. Before, when I just used online dating sites, it was a lot easier to get duped by a scam site. A lot of profiles seemed legitimate, and even though they did not have great English, I could not tell that they were scams just by the messaging. Now with live cam it's way easier, because if they can't video chat they I just move on.

Online Dating

Online dating is all about knowing what you are dealing with. Like I said in this article, you need to avoid fee cam websites and online dating profiles that seem poorly written or are unable to do live video chat. The thing is, often scam sites will say they can video chat, only for them to say it's not possible as you get chatting. That's the challenge I'm having now, and that's why you have to pay close attention to their online dating profiles and their messaging. If they have poor grammar and ask for weird things, then you can be rest assured it's a scam. I once was messaged something by a hot girl that sounded like an old Turkish man wrote it. It probably was an old Turkish man! So lesson is: only chat with ladies that seem like they could be your neighbour.