6 Reasons Why You Partner in Invercargill Will Cheat on You

An affair, be it physical or emotional, is a twisted pile of a jumbled up mess. Whether we are categorically victims or perpetrators, or worse, both, there is no good ending. After the drama plays out, we find ourselves exhausted, alone, confused, and for those on the receiving end, betrayed. As complex as cheating can become, the reasons for infidelity are often more straightforward and simple than you think. In other words, “Why did you cheat on me?” Answer: “You never spent time with me and I was lonely.” Most marital issues that lead to cheating can generally be solved with little effort long before an affair takes places if both sides are willing.

Here are the 6 Reasons Why People Cheat

It shouldn't surprise you if your partner gives you one of the following explanations below for their extra-marital behavior. These six bond busters can quickly create divergence in the best of relationships. Do not ignore them, or you may find yourself asking “Why?” Loneliness. The mother of all triggers, feelings of loneliness, neglect, or abandonment will cause one of you in the relationship to seek for it somewhere else - and it won't take long. If you ignore your mate, he or she will eventually leave you alone as well. Distance. What causes loneliness? Distance. But distance isn't always about geography. You may have noticed recently that both of you are sitting next to each other but feel like you're a million miles away. This happens to any couple occasionally. But beware: it's fertile ground for an affair over time. Loss of Desire. Here's a painful truth: Sometimes we stay in relationships out of obligation. For whatever reason, someone has lost their desire for the person or the arrangement and wants out. Rather than sign the papers or work things out, however, they stay put and find their outlet somewhere else. Addictions. Addictions and infidelity often go hand in hand. A person who abuses drugs or alcohol will often find others who live and act as recklessly as he or she does. Two reckless people in the same room and it won't take long before compromise begins. Someone suffering from a sexual or chemical addiction frequently puts themselves in situations that could easily lead to infidelity. Immaturity. Yes, sometimes it's that simple. You've heard it before: some people just need to grow up. Despite all the reasons and circumstances involved, what leads many people to cheat on their partner is immaturity and lack of control. It doesn't matter what your reasons are. There's always a right and wrong way to address any marital issue. Cheating doesn't solve problems. It only creates more. The Relationship is Boring. No relationship can sustain a honeymoon period forever. Eventually both of you will, come back to earth and get back to the daily grind. If you find no grinding in your bedroom, however, or anywhere else for that matter, then you and your partner need to get off the couch and go out. Recreation and entertainment are a big part of what drew you together. There's no reason to stop now. The healthiest relationships are the ones in which both partners learn to laugh, goof off, and have fun in between work and all that seriousness.