Can Couples Counseling Help Save Your Relationship?

Save Your Relationship

When you are dating someone for a long time, it can become easy to get on each other's nerves, which is completely normal. However, many people end up staying in a relationship for an exaggerated amount of time because they feel like they owe each other that much. Just because you have been through alot with someone, it doesn't mean that you have to stay in a loveless and sexless relationship. Many people confuse being comfortable with being in love, and that is why many relationships fail. If you feel like you need to save your relationship, and that it has been crumbling for quite some time now, then maybe you and your partner should attempt going to couples counseling. If this idea makes you cringe, and you feel like that would be a huge waste of time, then it might be time to call it quits, and move on.

Trying New Things

Trying new things can be the focal point to saving any relationship. Maybe things have become boring in the bedroom, and you feel like it is time to spice things up again. Or maybe you have been together for so long that you have both let yourselves go, and haven't tried to turn each other on in a long time. If you feel like your relationship is worth saving, and you truly believe that you are still in love, then seeking the help of a couples counselor might just be the thing that you need. This counselor will be able to suggest different types of activities that might make you understand what the other is going through, and it can also make you want to please each other again. Trying new things like role playing, doing opposite tasks or doing exercises can help your relationship flourish into what it use to be. So, in the end couples counselling can help you save your relationship, but only if there is something worth saving. If you are no longer in love, then it is best to break it off and start fresh with someone else, or simply take advantage of being single and have fun.

Being Open-Minded

Having an open mind can help you see your situation differently, and it can also make you want to fix a problem instead of sweeping it under the rug. By being open-minded you allow your relationship to get the proper care that it deserves. If you are closed-minded, then you will never want to accept that you might have a problem, and if it comes to the point where you significant other asks you to go to couples counseling, you might just laugh in their face and immediately end the relationship. Being open-minded can be extremely necessary, especially if your partner wants to try new things in bed that you might not agree with. If you do something for you lover, that you don't necessarily like but you know they do, it will mean a lot to them, and they might eventually start doing little things for you.

Online Hookup

Maybe you have decided to spice things up, and are looking to have a threesome with your partner. If this is the case, then looking on an online hookup website is the perfect place to go. You and your partner can post as a couple, and ask either males or females if they would be interested in having a threesome. Maybe sharing an intimate relationship with someone else will awaken something in you that has been lost for quite some time. Or maybe, your couples counselor has suggested that you try seeing different people for awhile, in hopes of arising jealousy or mixed feelings in one another. If this is the case, then looking for an online hookup might be the very next step in your journey, and you might be pleasantly surprised to find out that you still harbour feelings for each other.

Playing The Hookup Game Online

If you have done everything your couples counselor has told you, and you still don't feel any love or desire for you partner — then it is time to end it. Once you have ended it, you can start playing the hookup game online and weigh out your options. At this point, you are probably looking for a rebound, a sex buddy or some plain old sex. All these things are easily attainable by playing the hookup game online and looking for local singles who want to give it a go. Once on an online hookup platform, you will be free to look around, chat, have sex, and go out on dates! Meeting new people will help you come out of your shell, and make you get over your ex in a quick and fun manner.