Five Clues My Partner is Cheating

Have you ever read through a list of symptoms for a certain health condition and thought “Yep! That's me!” What about the symptoms that your partner may be cheating on you? Were you so sure then? Sometimes it's hard to tell if he is cheating or she is on the verge of a fling. In my experience, however, someone always leaves a trail and the signs lead somewhere else if not an affair. The good news is, you're not crazy. At least one partner in almost every couple gets the heebie jeebies now and then about the status of a relationship. Most of it's small insecurities that float in and out - no harm done. In some instances, however, going with your instincts served you well, as your fears were confirmed. If you want to learn more about how to distinguish between your paranoia and they're cheating then read this article.

5 Ways to Know if He or She is Cheating

Although not all signs of an affair lead to a bad conclusion, below are five unmistakable clues that he or she is cheating on you with someone else in Catharines-Niagara: Overprotective with the Phone. This may be the most obvious sign of all of them. When your significant other refuses to allow you any access to the phone, then they're hiding something. A true relationship is built out of trust and transparency. If transparency is breaking down over the phone, then it's a safe bet it's breaking down in other areas. Emotional and Physical Distance. When you're partner is distant it's difficult to read what's going on inside of them. It's easy to get paranoid as suspicion sets in and grows. Distance can be an indicator of other personal issues: depression, stress, or guilt over something other than infidelity. You're lover's distance, however, could mean that he's placing all his emotions and other things elsewhere. Try to understand what's causing the distance, before you rush to conclusion, this may give you a clearer picture of what's going on. Sudden Changes in Behavior. Have you noticed that your man is suddenly dressing nicer? Is your girlfriend making continued excuses for being late when she's never had a problem being prompt? Sudden changes in behavior can indicate any number of issues. So watch for a combination of symptoms such as irregular obsession with hygiene and looks, changes in daily routine for no reason, or failure to provide adequate explanations for gaps in time. How many times do you find yourself asking, “Where were you??” Easily Offended and Defensive. If you notice that your mate is reacting to what you say in a way that feels disproportionate, it may be because he or she feels like you're always ‘probing' and feels threatened by any hint that you may be snooping around or trying to get answers. Your partner may be offended when there's no real reason to be. How sensitive are they to normal questions? Your Mate Has Lost Interest. All relationships grow stale from time to time. If this doesn't seem to be an issue with your partner, then it's because his or her focus is elsewhere, possibly in someone else. How does he act when you say that you want to do things to spice up the marriage? Does she seem distracted or become unresponsive whenever you bring up the ‘us' conversations? Just like a person can't be in two places at once, neither can your mate focus on you and someone else. Sooner or later something's gonna give. Your guy or girl may have given you clues all along by becoming apathetic or lethargic toward anything between you two.

What If I Find Out He or She Has Been Cheating?

When you know beyond a doubt that your partner has been cheating, the first thing to do is confront them. This can be a difficult, because most people are not equipped to handle these situations. These tips on “How to Tell Them You Know They Cheated”, are an excellent guide for you to follow.